Monday, November 16, 2015

We Teach by Example-Let's Be Thankful

We are our student’s heroes!  They look up to us, they learn from and we teach by example!  So, during this Thanksgiving season, we need to model and teach our students how to be thankful for everything, including our classroom family.

So, how about we find at least one thing that we are thankful for in each of our little sweethearts and we let them know!  I have created some certificates that you can use and see how you light up the faces of your little ones as you hand them their certificate.

You can also discuss how they felt when they received their certificate.  Ask them if they would like to bring the same feeling to someone else.

Then, have each student find someone in the school personnel that they can thank for something that person has done for them.

Finally, turn it into a parent involvement activity.  Their child will find someone in the family to create a certificate for and hand it to that person.
Certificados De Otono

Angie Soto (A La Escuelita)
Pre-K-2 Bilingual Teacher

Texas, USA

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